101 Strengths-Based Actions to Connect, from a Safe Distance

101 Strengths-Based Actions to Connect, from a Safe Distance

Character is the virtue of hard times, Former French president Charles de Gaulle observed. Hard times not only build character but also reveal it.  How can we use and build our character when the adversary (COVID-19) is invisible, pervasive and potent – a global pandemic, killing thousands, infecting millions and dramatically altering the daily routine of billions? Over the landscape of time,…

Positive Psychotherapy: Integrating Symptoms and Strengths Toward Client Well-Being

Positive Psychotherapy: Integrating Symptoms and Strengths Toward Client Well-Being

Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is a therapeutic endeavor within positive psychology to broaden the scope of traditional psychotherapy. Its central premise is to assess and enhance positive resources of clients, such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments, in treating symptoms. Amplifying these positive resources may serve clients best not when life is easy, but when life is difficult, because…

The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend

The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend

by Tayyab Rashid I am a clinical psychologist. In psychotherapy sessions, my clients unpack words—spoken or expressed saliently; our expressions—benign or belligerent, and actions—committed or omitted. Through these words, emotions and intentions, they share with me how they feel about the world and how the world thinks about them. I work from a strengths-based therapeutic perspective. Without minimizing the distress,…

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